The Art of Self-Care: 3 Research-Backed Strategies for a Well-Balanced Life

The Art of Self-Care: 3 Research-Backed Strategies for a Well-Balanced Life

In this fast-paced world, time slips away faster than ever. Tasks keep mounting, and the to-do list keeps on growing, robbing us of our time.

When the last time you had that was designated 'me time' just for yourself? Even when one can manage a few precious moments daily, are you making the most of them? Are you using them to rejuvenate yourself, improving your mental, physical, and overall well-being?

Self-Care – A Non-Negotiable Practice for Everyone:

Self-care is like refueling your car during a long road trip. Just as your vehicle needs a pit stop and you need a break to continue the journey smoothly, one needs self-care to keep going strong in the fast lane.

Without self-care, the risk of burnout looms large and may sabotage the entire journey. Yet, self-care remains elusive and stands as a distant hope for everyone.

Why not? A wish without a concrete plan will always remain a hope.

Beginning Your Self-Care Journey: Small Steps & Big Results

As someone in a similar boat, our Be Simply Awesome team aims to tackle this challenge head-on. Our online fitness boot camps, women's retreat programs, and one-on-one online fitness coaching are part of the spectrum of self-care programs designed to provide a kick start. If you are some one anyone aiming to begin their self-care journey, we advise you to start by taking small yet proven steps to enhance your self-care.

In this blog, we aim to provide you with deep insights into the core tenets of self-care and offer three simple and highly effective self-care tips that can help anyone kick start their journey.

Read on to discover them.

1. Physical Fitness: Be the Best Version of Yourself

Physical fitness is a game-changer. It demands energy from us and then pays you back many times over. It may burn time, but save us loads of time by helping you efficiently perform your tasks. It asks for commitment and a return to good health and well-being that translate to every aspect of life. The research agrees, too.

What does research say?

According to research, fit people are found to be in good cognitive shape and less likely to procrastinate. Physical fitness is found to improve brain’s executive function, prompting individuals to achieve their goals and desired outcomes. Physically fit people are proven also manage their stress better than the rest.

2. Mental Wellbeing: Cultivate Calmness with Meditation:

In the hustle and bustle of this fast-paced life, meditation emerges as a fundamental component of overall mental well-being. It relaxes our bodies, soothes our minds, and helps alleviate the daily burdens of our work. It acts as an inner workout that calms and revitalizes our souls while rejuvenating our minds.

Like physical fitness, it is a gift that keeps giving when worked out with dedication and commitment.

What does research say?

Extensive studies that were performed on mindfulness meditation were overwhelmingly positive.

A study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that eight weeks of mindfulness meditation for as mere as 15 minutes a day helped people improve their focus and working memory. Another study published in Psychological Medicine found that the 8-week course significantly reduced emotional reactivity and enhanced a person's ability to cope with stress.

3. Structured Program & Support System:

At this point, it's safe to assume that physical fitness and mental well-being are two wheels that drive self-care forward. However, these two wheels, without the proper structure that keeps them moving, are only as good as tires that do not provide tangible benefits.

A strong structure and machinery that keep these wheels moving are essential for accrue maximum benefits. In addition, a robust construction needs a support system that can keep oneself motivated enough to build a sustainable system that could go a long way.

Online fitness boot camps and online fitness coaching classes are the ones that provide tracking structures, programs, and support systems that can make this possible.

What does research say?

Structured programs like offline and online fitness boot camps equip people with the knowledge and skills to make informed choices.

A study published in the journal "Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" found that adults who participated in a 12-week fitness class program showed significant and sustainable improvements in their muscular strength, fitness, and body composition compared to those in free-style fitness programs.

The support system and community that comes with online fitness boot camp programming constantly motivate the participants to achieve their goals, leading to better results over time. A study published in the journal "Obesity" confirmed that adults who adhered to a 12-week online fitness boot camp program could lose significantly more weight and body fat than those who participated in a traditional weight loss program.

Lay A Strong Foundation with Online Fitness Boot Camps:

No singular activity provides as much ROI as physical fitness. It is the foundation for self-care and, hands down, the best way to kick start your self-care journey. This is precisely why all our self-care programs are centered on online fitness boot camps. That said, with annual women's retreat programs, we also provide comprehensive physical fitness and mental well-being programs aimed at building an unmistakably healthy lifestyle.

Build a Lifestyle & Be Simply Awesome:

Due to their structured and time-sensitive approach, offline and online fitness boot camps focus on building habits that help create a lifestyle for the participants.

If consistent healthy habits turn wishes into action, consistent action through lifestyle changes brings much-needed results.

At Be Simply Awesome, we focus on building a lifestyle that keeps you moving forward seamlessly in your self-care journey.

If you are a working adult aiming to kick start your self-care journey by building a healthy lifestyle, we advise you to enroll in our 12-week online fitness boot camp immediately.

You can find more information about our online fitness boot camps and online fitness coaching here: